Thursday, February 17, 2005

ITIL Never happen

itil never happen Posted by Hello

So there i was in Hemel Hempsted, at the uk head office of Steria, the wonderful company I work for, having a good old training session.

ITIL or Information Technology Inforastructure Library is an industry standard series of procedures and protocols...... well, a way of thinking, maybe even a way of life. If you work in IT resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.

Business trips are great. You can pretend to be an executive and eat expensive dinners on the company. Rock on, i'm livin' the dream.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Numericly speaking, i've only had eight....

...sure you have. Why do drunk people feel the need to tell you how much they've had to drink, as if it makes it better to know that they get drunk on so little.

And another thing, why do they insist in telling you that they are "alright now" or "fine" just after falling off furniture for the um-teenth time,fallen over,been sick?


This post is dedicated to the memory of the liver of a young lad named dean, who spent several hours on the floor of Raj's bathroom claiming: "i'll be ok if i just lie on the tiles for a bit".

Dean had fallen off an office chair, a kitchen chair and indeed a sofa, which is no easy task, even for the most disorientated liqured individual.

Anyhow, happy birthday Raj.

raj Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Great to bump into you...

bump Posted by Hello

There i was driving to work, minding my own business and running just a little late, and BANG i met the driver in front in the worst possible way.

I'm a knucklehead. At least there was no damage, well not at the time, that does not mean that some won't materialise later. "...Ow my neck!"

The days are just packed....