Thursday, December 28, 2006

This post is mostly for Jim Chambers.....

Ok, so I don't update this blog as often as I would like to, or even as often as Dermo does, but there is a good reason for this.

My day is usually quite boring. If I were to tell you about everything I did every day you would read this blog even less than you do now!

For example, here is my day so far.

I woke up about 10am after a phone call. I got up, got washed, drove to Paul Fellowes' house, drove him and his brother Davy into town for a coffee or two, then met up with former boss Bob Zeller to advise him on some laptop work I'm doing for him, met Paul and friends in 'The Grill" bar on the way back to the car park (but no drinkin', i'm drivin), bought a book lon how to play the mandolin, drove home, updated my blog.

Later I'm going to a Giants game, where I will be running the show and playing the music just like I do every week. We are playing the Basingstoke Bison, if the Giants continue on their current form we shall be slaughtered. Joy.

Here are some photos I took on my travels.

I used to live here:

This is Margarita Plaza in Adelaide Street, Belfast where I shared a flat with a fella called Andy. I found out after I left that it was the biggest brothel in Belfast. Yay.

I used to work here:

Lyle-Bailie, formerly McCann-Erickson. An ad agency full of ego driven maniacs who make, among other things the road safety adverts in this country. The best and worst job I ever had. Bad because the management were awful, good because after I worked there I could work anywhere.

If you are lucky, I'll update on the Giants game later.

Bye for now,


Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

(and happy hanukkah, good luck with those Dreidel thingies.)

I believe I can fly.....

I got lots of nice things for Christmas, but my most surprising is a flying lesson!

Look out good people of the Newtownards area, I'm gonna fly over you!

Also, anyone know how to play a mandolin?

May God bless you.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Spirit (24 hour party people)

I was talking to the lads in work today and we were discussing how people who are normally pretty mannerly, even cordial to strangers, the most humble characters turn into monsters at the shopping centres at Christmas.

I was in town not 5 minutes when I started realising how rude people have become.

I was standing in HMV looking at some cd's. I was in a bit of a dream world. I reached out to the shelf that was less than 2 feet away from me and several chav's decided to walk through me. They actually pushed my arm out of the way to get past.

The best one was in Abbeycentre. I was in the shop Game looking for goodies. They still have an xbox360 on display and you can play the demo's of such fun games as "Call of duty 3". I decided to have a blast. While I was standing at the console a large woman pushed me out of the way with her considerable posterior. She nearly knocked me to the floor and was now occupying the space I was in seconds previously. She was talking to the sales assistant, asking about various deals. I glared at her in wonder as to why she just pushed me out of the way but she just glared right back as if to say, "Hey, I'm shopping here, what business did you think you had standing in my way?"

I had 2 possible reactions planned out. 1. Punch this 'lady' square in the face and say "how do you like that, HUH?" 2. Sigh and just walk away. I took the second option, and here's why; I've noticed the distinct lack of any kind of Joy this year and I'm trying my damnedest to try to redress the balance.

People are so determined to get the bargain or present of choice that they don't care who they trample to get it. God has no place in this new commercialised Christmas, except to be a politically incorrect notion that your average retailer would rather forget. After all, what is Christmas about, and how long is it before we have to refer to it as something like "festive season" or "holiday season" like they do in the states. (Happy holidays!) NO! Happy Christmas, Christmas, CHRISTMAS!

Its not about the presents or how drunk you can get for a few days. Its about celebrating our Saviour's birth. Ok, its not the exact day, but its the day we choose to celebrate.

In the spirit of this season of love and forgiveness I'm biting my lip every time I get shoved into. Actually sometimes I'm apologising. My Canadian friends should be proud of that. Canada is the only country in the world that I know of that when you bump into someone they apologise!

May I encourage you to do likewise. Lets remember the reason for the season, may God bless you all.


One last thing as I close. Marks and Spencer in Newtownabbey is now open 24 hours a day. I dropped Jo off tonight and thought I'd go in to see what kind of wierdos would be walking around there after midnight.

The food court was bunged, but I wandered upstairs to the gadget/toy part. I was the only wierdo up there. I laughed to myself about that for a second which attracted the attention of a nearby security guard. I though i'd tell him what I was thinking, but I figure he'd just think I was a wab.



Friday, December 15, 2006

December Blues

Its December and I should be feeling festive.

I've just got over the cold/flu and have been feeling rough since last Friday due to something I ate. The mornings and evenings are dark. I have little time to do anything besides work, study, Giants and sleep. Oh Joy.

I was fixing a server t'other day and this happened.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Of all the silly things for me to do......

Tesco Value Coffee.

Every little (you throw in the bin) Helps!

It tastes like sawdust. For the good of anyone you were thinking of making it for, for the love of all that is good in the world, don't do it.

I made the mistake of buying some of this for our office thinking how bad can it really be? Let me tell you friend, real bad.

Currently listening to:
Song: When I fall
Artist: Barenaked Ladies
Album: Born On a Pirate Ship

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Apparently I'm a type 2

you chose CX - your Enneagram type is TWO.

"I must help others"

Helpers are warm, concerned, nurturing, and sensitive to other people's

How to Get Along with Me

  • Tell me that you appreciate me. Be specific.
  • Share fun times with me.
  • Take an interest in my problems, though I will probably try to focus
    on yours.
  • Let me know that I am important and special to you.
  • Be gentle if you decide to criticize me.

    In Intimate Relationships

  • Reassure me that I am interesting to you.
  • Reassure me often that you love me.
  • Tell me I'm attractive and that you're glad to be seen with me.

What I Like About Being a Two

  • being able to relate easily to people and to make friends
  • knowing what people need and being able to make their lives better
  • being generous, caring, and warm
  • being sensitive to and perceptive about others' feelings
  • being enthusiastic and fun-loving, and having a good sense of humor

What's Hard About Being a Two

  • not being able to say no
  • having low self-esteem
  • feeling drained from overdoing for others
  • not doing things I really like to do for myself for fear of being selfish
  • criticizing myself for not feeling as loving as I think I should
  • being upset that others don't tune in to me as much as I tume in to
  • working so hard to be tactful and considerate that I suppress my real

Twos as Children Often

  • are very sensitive to disapproval and criticism
  • try hard to please their parents by being helpful and understanding
  • are outwardly compliant
  • are popular or try to be popular with other children
  • act coy, precocious, or dramatic in order to get attention
  • are clowns and jokers (the more extroverted Twos), or quiet and shy
    (the more introverted Twos)

Twos as Parents

  • are good listeners, love their children unconditionally, and are warm
    and encouraging (or suffer guilt if they aren't)
  • are often playful with their children
  • wonder: "Am I doing it right?" "Am I giving enough?"
    "Have I caused irreparable damage?"
  • can become fiercely protective

Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele
The Enneagram Made Easy
Discover the 9 Types of People

SanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages

You liked the test? so please don't forget to RATE it...
but remember! it had only two questions!!! ;-)

you wanna know MORE?

so check out, what Wikipedia says about your type...
...even more you'll find in Google

Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Birthday to me

Oh good grief, 27 today.

Also, Happy Birthday to Dave Allen (no the comedian, he's dead) and Lisa.

Many happy returns, or warm jumpers depending on where you live.

Oh, check out Jo's blog for a lovely picture of me.

I'm currently at home, in bed after not feeling too well. Thought i was getting over stupid cold/flu, but i guess not. More paracetamol at table 4 please!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Goodnight Ken Gourley......

Ken was a lovely fella.

This is an odd post, I was discussing with Dermo and Elia earlier, its always hard to say the right thing at a funeral or about the person who passed away.

In case I get it wrong, i'll borrow some words. Today Lindsay Allen was saying some really good things about Ken. For instance, he was an easy guy to like, he could disagree with you picking his words carefully not to make you angry, lastly and most importantly - all was well with his soul (even when the going got tough).

Those are some of the most important things a man can have going for him. I really hope that when I finally go that people will be able to say something similar of me.

The end of the service brought those all important words, "We do not grieve as those who have no hope". Death is not the end for us, its only the beginning.

Its an odd thing, but at a Christian funeral there is no despair. Sure, we will miss the person, sure we'll cry, but we know we'll see him again. He's fallen asleep here and woken up with God. Amen.

Goodnight Ken.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mobile madness......

MY MOBILE PHONE NUMBER HAS CHANGED. (well, it has been 10 years). I will be sending a message shortly. Please don't feel put out if you don't get a message, it does not mean i don't love you any more, it just means that I've lost your number. My other phone is beyond use, so I did lose quite a few up to date numbers.

There are two ways to get the new number:
1. The old number is still connected to a spare handset, please text to it leaving your name .
2. alternatively e-mail me and I'll sent it back.

Yes, there is a story about this one, are you sitting comfortably?

So, there I was on a friday afternoon, minding my own business setting up for the Giants game against the Basingstoke Bison when my phone rang. I was carrying a sound desk at the time and therefore was unable to answer before the answering service kicked in. I picked up my walk into more of a run, set down the apparatus and grabbed my phone from my pocket. To my intense frustration the phone's display did a criss-cross-tartan-firework-display-type-thing, and then faded to black. I've seen this before, it occurs sometimes when the phone's battery expires mid operation. Being the boy scout that I am i grabbed the phone charger from my kit and plugged it in. Nothing. I tried re-starting the phone a few times but it only got as far as the nokia logo, then the tartan fireworks again.

This day had been filled with technical difficulties. The ranged from the password for my work e-mail not being complex enough and being a little more than patronised by the help desk staff about what a 'complex password policy' was, getting a puncture in one of my car tires and my apple laptop having a bit of a seizure. I don't usually do this, but i saw red. My phone was launched across the odyssey and landed in 3 different pieces. That felt good.

Below is a 'Crimewatch' style reconstruction, using actual places (the Odyssey Arena - where is happened) as a reference!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I gathered up the phone and put it back together, tried turning it on and guess what? (this is the part where people usually say "Oh, did it work then!?") NO! i broke it more.

The screen was now not registering at all, but the keys were lighting up. Bonus.

I panicked. I've had my mobile switched on and strapped to my side constantly for the last few years, suddenly i was no longer contactable. That was an odd anxiety. I called Jo and let her know but i didn't really know anyone else's number so...

The game went on and we won, it was a fine evening, finished off with some pizza at sarah's.

The next day i went to beg forgiveness at the orange shop. This was not a pleasant experience. I will put it in script form. Here is how the conversation went between 'Orange Bimbo Girl (OBG)' and Me.

ME: Um, hello......
OBG: *finishes reading article, glances up* Hi.
ME: Hi, I was wondering if you could help me, my handset is broken and I was wondering what I need to do to get another one.
OBG: *sighs* do you have insurance?
ME: I'm not sure, if i give you my number can you check?
OBG: *sighs* ok *saunters over to counter* Whats your number?
ME: (gives number)
OBG: *tappa tappa tappa, pauses* You don't have any insurance.
ME: OK..... so what are my options?
OBG: *sighs* Well you could register for emergency insurance... then you could claim the accident *starts making conversation with other bimbo*.
ME: *kinda annoyed that she's not really paying attention*I kinda need a new handset right away....
OBG: I'm not really sure what we can do....... *while half making in jokes with her other bimbo* you can buy another handset for 100 pounds.
ME: *tries to contain shock* ok, i'll get back to you then.
OBG: *didn't react continues to chat with other bimbo*

I was a little furious. Not at the fact that I'd have to pay money, but just the sheer rudness and uninterested-ness of the orange staff. I've been their customer for 9/10 years.

I marched down to phones 4 you down the mall a little. In 25 minutes they offered the phone I wanted, offerred me the money to pay off my orange contract and gave me the phone for free. I got the Nokia N93, which is the first entry level mobile phone video camera. I am overly pleased with it, though it is a bit short on battery life.

Its now early in the morning. This post has gone on long enough, so in summary:

•Orange phone shop people are unhelpful and rude.
•Phones 4 u people are quite nice
•i like cake


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Aint that a kick in the head.....

The other day I was listening to some recordings a friend had put together. I was so impressed by his work it made me hugely depressed!

realisticly, I can't see myself ever recording anything that will be ground breaking, at least I don't view anything I've written to be worthy of being aired.

If I'm going to do anything good, it will rely on me being smart, funny and having something to say.
I guess I can forget it then!

In other news, Gav from work showed me this video today. It involves side splitting Supermario mischief.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Got sidetracked in tech..

When someone is being a wab, you should tell them.
Tell them in a loud voice or maybe with a photoshop image of ridiculous-ness.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Road To Omey.....

Today Jo and I are heading down to the South of Ireland for a little break. We are heading to the back end of nowhere, or more specifically Omey Island off the west coast of Ireland.

The place belongs to Nathan and Alannah's folks, who converted it entirely from being a bit run down to a lovely little cottage. They are clever like that (and lovely into the bargain).

It will be fun for a whole variety of reasons, the first of which being that it is a good 5 to 7 hours drive away down the 'interesting' back roads of Southern Ireland. For those of you who 'aint from around these parts' the roads down there are pretty basic. They have improved greatly over the past 10 years on the main routes, but these are not the main routes!

The second reason is that the island is only accessible when the tide is out. The picture above shows how you drive across the sand at low tide to reach the place. The height of the tide across this sand bank apparently varies from either the sea not coming in fully at all at some times of the year to its current seven feet at high tide.

Alannah's dad has kindly written out for us the estimated high tide times to save us from being washed away. Timing is of the essence then, we must arrive in a specific time window to cross safely. Any of you who know Joanne and I will be laughing at the thought of this already.

Also, I'm taking my guitar, laptop and mixing desk. I'm determined to get a bit of inspiration to record something while I'm down there in the beautiful, basic and rugged surroundings.

I nearly gave up playing the guitar recently because I figured that if I were to write a song about any topic I'd easily be able to list you 10 songs better written. I was feeling a bit unstable and was asking myself what can I really offer the musical world? Now that I'm feeling a little steadier I've remembered that it was God who has given me the gift of being able to play. If I were to stop it would be like saying I don't appreciate the gift. I'm determined now to use it more.

In other news I've been going to tech with Gav from work to study for 4 different Microsoft exams. My motivation for this was clear. I simply remembered trying to get a job in computing after being layed off from the Belfast Giants. Since then I have gained a qualification in E-media (bit of computing, bit of web design, bit of sound and video manipulation) but that is still not good enough. I worked for the Spar for almost 2 years trying to re-motivate myself back into a proper job. That will not happen again.

All in all, with still covering the Giants on the weekend (and more), work 5 days a week and study Tuesday and Wednesday 6.30 - 9pm, makes Matty a very dull boy.

I'm off to Ireland to relax before someone finds me scaling a clock tower with a sniper rifle!



Thursday, September 28, 2006


Its coming up to 3am, and I can't sleep.

I've been off sick for a few days and today i felt well enough to go to tech.

Trouble is, cuse i'm so freakin' well rested I no can't seem to sleep.

I've read all the news articles i care to, caught up on all the tech-y web sites, blogs, live-journals etc.

Now I'm really at the bottom of the sleep inducing activity barrell. I'm backing up my MAC over my home network to a PC over remote desktop.

Whats all this chat about running xp on a mac, as if its a new thing? I've been doing it for ages, as the picture above shows.

I don't even have one of those funky intel based macs like Elia does, nope mine is a bog standard powerbook-melt-the-skin-off-your-lap-top-g4-1.25ghz.

I did put an extra gig of ram in it though, i was feeling depressed.

Now, its 2.54am, i'm off to try again.

"Goodnight england and the colonies, i'll just pop on this record of royal snoring..."
Neddy seagoon
Excerpt from "The Last Goon Show of All"
BBC Light Programme 1972

Monday, September 11, 2006

Full weekend.....

Saturday night was the Belfast Giants first game of the season in the Odyssey Arena. I was back in the driving seat keeping the show ticking over.

Even though I was panicking more that I think I've ever done, things went without a hitch. Even the new sound desk that I bought worked exactly as I hoped.

I went into Maplin to get advice on what cables to use and one of the guys told me the biggest load of rubbish. I thanked him for his advice and then asked another member of staff who was more than helpful.

The hockey match itself was a bit of a penalty filled farce. There is a new zero tolerance policy in force for penalties. As a result our underexperienced referee Mr Mike Hicks called everything from legitimate roughing to one of our guys getting his face cut open - giving the injured guy the penalty!

Joanne's review is accurate, see here.

Below is a shot of my view:

On Sunday I slept in, then met Paul and Colin for a coffee in Belfast.

It was nice to catch up with colin, after not seeing him for a long while.

Currently Listening to:
Artist: Razorlight
Album: Razorlight

Friday, September 08, 2006

HEUGE Spiders

Looking out the front window of our living room, i spotted this guy:

I very seldom take good pictures, but i likes this one!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


That feeling that winter is really on the way, more than that, its really close by.

Dark evenings, leaves falling, its not cold but its getting there, listening to "Simon and Garfunkle" or "Iron and Wine".

I like winter. Lots.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What celeb do you look like 2.....

Here were some of the experiments i ran:

Firstly, the McIvors:
(I was personally really amused that I looked like Chuck Norris!)

Next Fish and Raj:

Paul Fellowes:

Friday, September 01, 2006


I was reading OVERCOMPENSATING the other day, which is an offshoot of one of my favorite web comics WIGU. They talked about a web site that you load a photo into and they tell you what celebrities you resemble. I thought this was just a made up daft thing, but it isn't.....

Check it out here

Friday, August 25, 2006

My little town.......

My little townCurrently listening to: "My little town"
Artist: Simon and Garfunkel
Old Friends

I was noticing today how Monkstown, the little place I live in has changed so much in just a few years.

Here it is according to Google earth about 6 years ago:

Here it is now:

Amazing how much something that you think isn't changing changes so much?

The spides are still here, no one can drive properly yadda yadda yadda....... :)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

But you don't really care for music, do ya?

"Well, it goes like this, the 4th the 5th, the minor fall and the major lift....."
("Hallelujah", Jeff buckley)

Ok, so i've been listening to Jeff Buckley in the car while waiting on Joanne. I love rediscovering a song that has such great memories and then learning to appreciate it all over again, finding pieces of the composition that got lost in you're memory.

"Hallelujah" from Jeff Buckley's "Grace" album is a fantastic, intimate classic that holds great memories for me. I can remember playing it to try to impress girls, the late night chats I had with people like Paul Fellowes who introduced me to the song, discussing its fine production etc.

I remember playing it at a party I was at with Ross Thompson in Ballymena somewhere. It is a song that makes a room silent, that is to say the song does, not my delivery of the song.

I was delighted to deliver it though, as i'd been playing it over and over for ages in my bedroom, trying to get it right. Its an excellent feeling, finding that everyone is listening intently.

It was my dad who brought it back to my attention. My bro let him hear it the other day in the car, and he asked if i had it on my laptop. He described the guitar work as just fantastic, or words to that effect, he's right you know!

Mum and Dad have always listened to good music, which is how i learned to appreciate the good stuff myself.

In a similar way they have tought me how to discern much more than good music, their example of faith has been the most important lesson they could have tought me.

As I said, the playing of "hallelujah" to a group of people made them silent and listen, not because of the delivery, but because of the song itself. In the same way I believe Christ has made me aware of his presence through my folks, not because of their presentation of him, but because he shone through them.

There is an example to follow.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Relaxin' all cool n' all shootin' some Bball outside of the school...

Me and Jo were out "Shootin some hoops" on Saturday.

Jo lost her arm in this shot below, but seems more than happy with her one remaining arm.


Friday, August 11, 2006

Website of the week.....

Lets get ourselves rid, join the revolution today.

Currently Listening to:
"Chip Shop"
Kirsty MacColl
Desperate Character

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Bunny Shot

Checking through the photos of the Milk Cup I spotted this rare freak bunny appearance:

No one remembers seeing the "Jo-bunny" who hops around at an incredable speed.


Saturday, August 05, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006

My Milk Cup Pic of the Week....

Joanne took this shot in the driving rain last sunday:

Milk Cup madness......

Currently Listening To:
"Milkman of human kindness"
Artist: Billy Bragg

Album: The Essential Billy Bragg

So, Joanne has been taking pictures al week at the Milk Cup, an international football (soccer) competition held on Northern Ireland's north coast.

This has been a lot of fun. Joanne is working for the competition directly with a photographer called Russel Pritchard, who's a nice guy.

The first few days were a washout weather wise, but lots of good photos taken and some have made their way to the papers.

Click here to see all the photos.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I've just melted....

Currently listening to:
Song: "(Been through the desert on) a horse with no name"
Artist: America
Album: America

Today has been a scorcher, its more than 30 degrees (C) in the office, and we are all starting to drip at the edges. There is a severe lack of aircon. Aparently there is tarmac melting all over the country and people are dying of heat exhaustion. This from a country that is usually about 8 degrees (C).

I usually drink the odd glass of water, (in between all the gallons of coffee), but today i've had one cup of coffee and about 3 litres of water. I might just explode anytime now.

fergoodnessake, hararya?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

July 11th.....

What was that film called with Arnold Schwarzenegger where he has to get to the toy shop on christmas eve and get the toy for his kid, the last one in the shop? Tesco Newtownabbey was kinda like that this evening.... only more cussing.

I decided on one of the busiest shopping days of the year to try out Joanne's parents' new bar-be-que. Today has been good weather and everyone (apart from me) got out of work today at about 3pm.

The following sum explains further:

Good weather +
Short work day followed by 2 days national holiday +
Being Northern Ireland's official bonfire night (for one half of the community) =

Random trivia for international visitors:
The 12th and 13th of july are national holidays in Northern Ireland. For more info click here. Bonfire night is the 11th, a precursor to these holidays for the loyalist side of the divide.

When i got to the supermarket I discovered first of all that they were closing now. Right now. Although normally a 24/7 (ish) supermarket, all concerned shoppers now start to panic.
Everything that is needed for survival is to be bought in the next 5 minutes.

The shelves were as empty as i've ever seen them. There were 3 packets of sausages and no bread at all. I got some beer, which was a miracle in itself as tonight's bonfire extravaganza has over the years descended into a drink-a-thon. I dropped a 4 pack on the floor and had to have another brought to me as there was, in the words of the assistant, " time to get another. Stay here!".

I passed by Davy from work who explained that he and his missis had been to 3 supermarkets and were still short of what they were looking for. There was an air of desperation setting in!

I got the checkouts only to be moved on from one line to another because, and I quote: "...sorry sir, I'm closing up now!" OF COURSE YOU"RE CLOSING UP NOW, THE WHOLE BLOODY SHOP IS CLOSING UP NOW! That was in my head, but if you know me you'll know I'll go to say things like that and then just grin insanely and just move on.

The thing about the checkouts is that in this country you can only buy alcohol at a percentage of the open tills at a supermarket. It's a silly licensing thing that i doubt even the management understand. There are signs up showing you which till is ok to buy from and which is not.

I was having the problem that every till i got refused from was an alcohol purchasing till. I kept being referred on to tills that I could not buy alcohol from. I finally cracked up and said: "where can I buy this stuff from then, all the other tills that sell alcohol are closing too!" I was greeted with little sympathy and told to move on.

20 minutes later I got out of the place. I was driving to a petrol station to buy bread when i came across an example of one of the smaller bonfires:

click above image to enlarge

As you can see there is a Irish flag on top, what you may not be able to see is the celtic fooball tops that are arm in arm all around it too. Such silly hatred.

(by the way if you are not from Ireland and you are puzzled about this I'll be happy to explain. Just e-mail me)

Well, off I go. We'll probably take a look about the bonfires later, but stay far enough away from the idiots to be in any danger!

More to follow..... M.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Tim Horton's In Ireland! (and Ireland trip)....

Currently listening to: "Trouble" Ray LaMontagne

Last Saturday Joanne, Shiny, Raj and I wen't on a "lets get lost in Ireland" adventure, which ended up in Westport. As the name may suggest, its a port on the West of Ireland.

We were having this day out to jointly celebrate Sarah's 18th birthday and also spend some time with her before she headed off to OZ.

The day was a wild amount of fun and frolicking, we did get extensively lost in Co.Sligo thanks to Microsoft "so called" route finder, (if that is your real name), but we stopped and asked directions off and englishman, who was only too pleased and amused at being able to direct us back to the right path.

He didn't however give us good directions, so we headed for sligo and then on down the N4/N5 to the port.

Here is a map of the journey, as is should have been:

I got overly excited to find canadian coffee store Tim Horton's had appeared in a Shell/Spar filling station on the main road to Westport.

The thing is that Canadian coffee is not that strong, and can be a little bland, but that isn't the point, it has attached memories of going to Canada with Dave Allen and Elia Montgomery.. . . also they do great pastries / donuts / timbits.

Aparently Tim horton's are planning to populate Irish Shell/Spar filling stations with branches, and there is a proper fully functioning coffee shop already open at Dublin Zoo.

The Canadians are on the attack. Bring it on.

Also, when we got to Westport we went into a pub and watched the England world cup dreams being dashed. There was no finer place to do that than an Irish Pub!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Go Oilers!

I'm currently (at time of posting) watching the Ice Hockey "Stanley Cup". Edminton Oilers v Carolina Hurricanes.

Its the 2nd period, Carolina 2 Oilers 3.

I hope the oilers can keep it up. (too many random penalties)

addition (later on):

3-3 its overtime!


Ok so they lost. Dang.

Currently listening to:
"The Hockey Song"
Stompin' Tom Connors
Boot Records

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The mighty bumblewasp.....

He's half man, half biscuit, half wasp. He has a cane, a hat, a moustache and a face on him like a battenburg.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Monday, June 05, 2006

Its that time of the summer again....

This is as dark as it's gonna get for a while.

(pic taken after midnight on a phone camera, the sky was/is actually much brighter, but you get the idea :)

Currently listening to:
"Here Comes the Sun"
The Beatles

The days are just packed......

What else is there to do on an incredibly hot day?

Let the Fellowes' brothers demonstrate:

Friday, June 02, 2006


Currently listening to:
"Father and daughter"
Paul Simon

Its been a while, again since my last post. This is due to not having much to say.

So, recently I've had at least 2 dreams where I have been sentenced to death. Both times I've been a bit blase about the situation until I reached the business end of a noose or ak47 respectively.

In the first dream I was to be hung. Can't really remember what the crime was, don't think it was anything that sinister, but I just agreed to go along with the proceedings. There were two large rooms. One was an auditorium which looked like it sat several thousand, the other room (next door) was a party. I was in the party room, having a few drinks and snacks with all my friends and family.

Several characters, like Elia Montgomery, were coming over and saying things like "don't you think you should at least try to escape? Do you really not think this is all a bit unfair?" I just laughed and carried on.

Slowly everyone filed into the next room, and took their seats. This was the room where the execution was to take place.

Finally the police left the party room to get ready for the main event, my hanging, when I suddenly realized. O holy crap, they're gonna hang me! And for what?

I took a good look around, no one was left in the room so I legged it. (and then woke up).

The next dream was just bizarre. We found out that my grandad, who died in the late 80's was actually alive, or at least he had just died. He had run off to the air force to become a pilot, and had been serving in Iraq.

My brother Andy, who tends to travel a lot, had got himself into trouble with some terrorists and my grandad had found out. He had been monitoring us constantly since his untimely departure. Grandad had gone awol with a fighterjet to save the day.

unfortunately Grandad had been shot down and killed by our own airforce for desertion, over the desert.

Andy had been released by his captors, he was on his way home, and everyone was round our's paying their respect to my war-hero-but-got-shot-down-for-desertion granda.

Here's where the story really starts. I was being put on trial for granda's war crimes. Apparently shooting him down wasn't good enough for the UN. One of his descendants had to stand trial for their satisfaction.

The ceremony was very short. I was pretty much sentenced to be shot by firing squad right away. The catch is that I was lined up with lots of proper criminals against a wall out in the desert. Between me and the firing squad, who were all blindfolded, were several large pillars of natural rock formation.

The system was as follows. The firing squad shot at the general direction of us nasty criminal types, but because they can't see and are therefore not aiming, it was a case of God's will who gets a bullet. This made perfect sense to the UN who sanctioned this type of selective execution.

I was ushered to the left hand side of the wall by the civil servant arranging the crooks. He whispered in my ear "You'll be ok over here, we know this is all a bit silly and you aren't really guilty of anything, just duck a little!"

Sure enough the firing squad were given the order and shot. I looked to my right and heard the "zip-zip-zip-zip" of bullets entering flesh.

I seemed to be the only one not bleeding so I was freed.

I haven't had an execution dream in over a week now. I'm bored now.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

BBC to sell radio 1 and 2....!?

Currently listening to: "We Shall Overcome" - Bruce springsteen (We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions)

Aparently BBC radio 1 and 2 are too popular and should be sold off to become commercial radio stations to give local commercial radio a chance.

Read all about it here.

I was so annoyed i went to the have your say section of BBC news and joined countless numbers of people expressing their dismay.

I wrote (and yeah, i know it might not be all good grammar, but hey!)

I cannot find a word to stress the extreme sadness that I would feel if BBC radio 2 were to stop being what it has become.

Radio 2 is the source of such rich music, stimulating documentaries and wonderful live events. DJ's like Bob Harris, unashamedly playing good music regardless of genre. Surely a privatised station would not hold these things to be so relivant?

There is a reason commercial radio is in the state it is, bland pop music, magazine style journalism and no substance.

Radio 2, for me and many others, is the independant thinking solution to an otherwise bland world of local radio.

Matt McIvor, Belfast

Saturday, May 13, 2006

"Dog" the oldest mullet man in town....

Now, I like a mullet as much as the next man, but this guy takes the biscuit.

He's a bounty hunter called "Dog". His show is on bravo every once in a while.

If you are feeling down, look for his programme, I laughed all the way through.

He is a solid rocker. He takes himself extremely seriously. He may be powered exclusively by hard rock and an American idiot standard issue, honest to God sense of doing the right thing.

In short, he's livin the dream of having long bleach blonde hair (covering his bald spot), packing a peice, wearing a pair of dodgy sunglasses and upholding "truth, justice and the american way!"


Currently listening to: "Jacob's Ladder" - Bruce springsteen (We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions)

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Currently listening to: "Unemployable" by Pearl Jam - album: "Pearl Jam"

Steria had its annual Karting challenge last week. It was a tough old grand prix.

It took all 9 years of driving like an idiot, and 9 penalty points, but it was not all in vain.

I kicked ass. Click here for the pictures.

(i look pregnant! - i'm not actually that fat, its just the 3 layers i was wearin' !)

New Music

Currently listening to "Marker In The Sand" - Pearl Jam (album: "Pearl Jam")

I recently bought Pearl Jam's album "Pearl Jam", I haven't received the disc yet, but they let me download it from the site, which was nice of them.

When i've listened more i'll try reviewing it, a thing i'm scared to do cuse I know i'm no Ross Thompson.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Humor test

the Wit
(61% dark, 34% spontaneous, 10% vulgar)
your humor style:

You like things edgy, subtle, and smart. I guess that means you're
probably an intellectual, but don't take that to mean pretentious. You
realize 'dumb' can be witty--after all isn't that the Simpsons'
philosophy?--but rudeness for its own sake, 'gross-out' humor and most
other things found in a fraternity leave you totally flat.

I guess you just have a more cerebral approach than most. You have the perfect mindset for a joke writer or staff writer.

Your sense of humor takes the most thought to appreciate, but it's also the best, in my opinion.

You probably loved the Office. If you don't know what I'm
talking about, check it out here:

PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Jon Stewart - Woody Allen - Ricky Gervais

The 3-Variable Funny Test!

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You scored higher than 1% on vulgarity
Link: The 3 Variable Funny Test written by jason_bateman on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Saturday, April 15, 2006

playoff fever...

Currently listening to: Xavier Rudd - Messages

The other weekend we joined about 10,500 people at the National Ice Centre in Nottingham for the elite league's playoff final weekend.

Jo, Raj and I headed over on Friday so that we'd not miss any of the games, the first one was 3pm on Saturday and the hotel rooms are never ready for us to check into on time.

We checked out the shops on Friday, and didn't do much but drink coffee and eat burgers!

Later on shiny Sarah, Bill, Lu and the rest arrived. We had some very nice pizza from Amigos, a few drinks in the Pit and Pendulum laced with Nigel's legendary Berry juice and then we were off to bed.
"The Pit" is a fantastically gothic little establishment near the city centre of Nottingham. They had an interesting addition to their washrooms this year, a singing guy dispensing soap and singing songs that he made up like "freshen up, freshen up" and "hygiene is top banana". It was true class, you just slip him a quid or so and he sprays your hands with some spray soap then offers you some kitchen roll followed by a choice of aftershave. The guy sang some more explicit songs, but I ain't posting them for all to see!

Saturday we got up and went to get our usual feed in Squares, (a nice sports bar in the city centre). Shiny Sarah had no ID and so we couldn’t get in to buy lunch. Thing was we were a clear hour and a bit early to buy alcohol so I don’t see what the problem was. We headed off down to the Hard Rock Cafe instead, then off to the arena.

Sheffied Steelers were playing the Cardiff Devils. It was a draw, but Sheffield won on penalties. You can see the last one go in below:

(for the video, click this link)

The Belfast Giants played the Newcastle Vipers later that day. It was nastly. Nuff said.

We all went out after defeat for more pizza, and off to bed after discussing neighbours and many other things.
The Giants were out of the playoffs, we found ourselves in a quandary: who do we support for the final?

Traditionally speaking we would have supported the Cardiff Devils. Their fans were always of good humor and supported us in previous playoff finals. The Steelers were being coached, just for the playoffs, by our former coach Dave Whistle and their fans seemed to have had a personality transplant (for the better).

We ended up supporting the Steelers. It felt dirty and wrong, but we were doing it for coach Whis and not for the sake of their scummy general manager who takes digs at our guys on a regular basis in the press.

Long and the short of it was that the Steelers lost in the final, Newcastle Vipers clinched it.

I was a little underimpressed to watch the final as an event. The hockey was ok, but the atmosphere was not really there, there was no "big show" feel to the event like there was in the old days when Dave allen or Elia Montgomery and I were involved. Don't get me wrong, I don't know if I could have done better, but it felt to me like there was no real build up. The games started all weekend without any real pizaz. (if that is even a word).

The music was inappropriate at times. (they played 'Danny boy' as our national anthem!) The support wasn't really there even though there were lots of bums on seats. There was no carnival atmosphere, probably due to the lack of "playoff village" that has been there in years past. (That was just was just a collection of stalls and good natured hockey folk trying to make you part with money for their dodgy merchandise.)

The one thing that didn't fail to impress me though was the Giants support. Even though we were given an early bath the Giants folks partied hard. We took defeat graciously, we supported an old arch-enemy, we stuck with them even as they lost. We all went to the pub and made Nottingham a more exciting place for a while. (I hear one of them even streaked through the lobby of the hotel we were in!)
On Monday we all had the playoff blues. We missed shiny and Lu going off early for their flight, dragged ourselves through the day and were kept alive with coffee and cake.

We nearly missed the flight home as the 10-or-so-seater taxi turned up very late. We did make it home eventually though, and now the long hockey-less summer begins.

Time to start rumors again. lets see: Jimmi (the owner) told me in the strictest confidence that he will employ dancing girls for the locker rooms next year. (honest, no really).

Eesh, that will be the most sensible thing i'll make up. Cue random hockey people coming to me and saying, as if it were gospel, that something totally unbelievable will happen like, i don't know, an NHL allstar will be signing for us next year. I guess stranger things have happened!

(time taken to post - about 2 weeks)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Crazy weekend....

2 Weekends ago Jo and I stayed at Dorothy and Alans and looked after about 30 Cats. The we went to edinburgh to watch the Giants play.

I must give you a bio of all the cats at some point, what they all look like and where they needed to be fed, its all very complicated.

But for now; Jo decided to take some pictures of me in her hallway, they looked very good, especially cuse i'm exceptionally hard to take a good photo of. Check um out, i look like a proper guitarist!

Check out more on Jo's Blog

Currently listening to: "mouthfull of cavities" - Blind Melon (cuse that's what i was playin')

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Smooth as a baby's arse...

I decided to have a trim, as i was starting to look a little too ragged.

From this:

To this:

I aught to get my 12 o'clock shadow back by about april.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Never fail to be amazed...

by the idiots who live on this tiny troubled island....

Today the loyalists decided to "have a wee march" in Dublin. Needless to say, there was a riot.

Click here for full story.

I saw the report on UTV, where everyone involved on both sides claimed that they were not to blame.


I believe there is probably a riot commitee. People from both sides up here get together and figure out where they'd like to raise hell. At this meeting "little Jaunty" from the shankill or the falls spoke up and said.. "hear mate, wadda-ya-sai we go down-a dublin, ged-a few pints and hava-a bid-ov-a-riat?" Everybody, at the meeting, having drunk way too much white lightening or buckfast thinks this is a capital idea, nod their burbury baseball cap clad heads, and get about organising who is getting hit with the first half brick.

I really don't care for either sides' point of view, i do however envy those who have moved off this rock to less silly places. Maybe i'll join them one of these days.


Sunday, February 19, 2006

a little iTunes clearout....

So I started the day with an obscene amount of tracks in iTunes and decided a spring clean was in order.

We kicked off with over 40gb of music, over 10,000 tracks. We're now down to:


Its amazing the sheer amount of crap you accumulate over the years.

I'm off to bed now, as i'm exhausted....

Currently listening to: "Home" by Dan Fenner (he's a friend of a friend in Leeds, i got his 2 track ep around 1998, its still fantastic, hope he does well)