Aparently BBC radio 1 and 2 are too popular and should be sold off to become commercial radio stations to give local commercial radio a chance.
Read all about it here.
I was so annoyed i went to the have your say section of BBC news and joined countless numbers of people expressing their dismay.
I wrote (and yeah, i know it might not be all good grammar, but hey!)
I cannot find a word to stress the extreme sadness that I would feel if BBC radio 2 were to stop being what it has become.
Radio 2 is the source of such rich music, stimulating documentaries and wonderful live events. DJ's like Bob Harris, unashamedly playing good music regardless of genre. Surely a privatised station would not hold these things to be so relivant?
There is a reason commercial radio is in the state it is, bland pop music, magazine style journalism and no substance.
Radio 2, for me and many others, is the independant thinking solution to an otherwise bland world of local radio.
Matt McIvor, Belfast