Actually, I didn't. I just wanted to quote
Duke Special.
Before I go any further, I gots to tell you that there is a little bit of gruesome content coming up, if you don't like the sight of blood and gore - (that's you
Sarah), then you really should ignore the rest of this post.
This week has been a little hard going. I've been quite tired recently and the odd calamity has occurred.
Let me start with my socks. I put on a pair of socks on monday and this happened:
Ok, so that was pretty much a space filler to hide the gore.
While working in a server room at work on friday I hit my head, pretty hard. I was sitting on the floor, as there are no seats, updating my contact list on my laptop. I was also building a new server, which was taking forever. Pete, my boss was leaving Steria for better prospects elsewhere and I was just packing up to go see him. I closed my laptop, put it on a set of plastic boxes beside me, realised that the install I was running required the next cd in the sequence, reached down to do that, stood up, and on the way hit my head on a server rack console.
I fell down holding my head thinking, holy crap that hurt. I took my hand away from my head and there was no blood. I was thinking, how stupid was that? How come I didn't see that console..... Just then I started to wonder why my arm and elbow weres wet. I took my hand away from my head to discover i was bleeding pretty badly, and now mostly all over the floor and my laptop.
There were some contractors in the room and I yelled to one of them to call a first aider or an ambulance. The guy looked confused for a second, at which point I decided to head to the gents' loo down the hall to find some tissue to apply pressure with and soak up the blood.
I got to the toilets and cleaned the blood off my face and out of my eyes and used some tissues to stop the flow. The builder came into the toilets and took me to the first aider, a lovely lady called Joanne who works on the switchboard. Joanne had never actually practised first aid, but was trained. I think she initially thought it was a wind up when the bulder came to the room to fetch her.
I was sat down in the switchboard rest room and Joanne came in with the first aid box. She looked concerned and asked if she could take a look at my head. I asked her if she'd like to sit down first. 5 minbutes later I was being driven to the hospital.
Here are some pictures:
I got looked at pretty quickly by the triage guy, and he was happy that the bleeding had stopped, about 2 hours later i was led into a room were i was stapled a couple of times, then glued shut.
Funny thing is, the stapler they use is not unlike a desk stapler, just the staples are sterilised first. The doctor explained that there was no point in offering me an anesthetic as it didn't usually work anyway. I decided to double check and asked her to tell me honestly did it make a difference, or was it a waste of time? she said waste of time and set about physically abusing me with her sterilised office equipment. It hurt like getting staples in your head.
The nurse said i could do with three staples, but by the time she had put in the second one i think she was fearing for her general safety. I punched the desk on the first and kicked the ground at the second, at this point she decided to use the glue rather than a third staple as i was running out of objects to strike.
That was fine and dandy, and before long i was on my way back to the office to fill out accident forms and such. I missed pete's leaving do, which is upsetting cuse I had prepared a presentation which featured may fine photo's of him in
Father Ted scenes. (this is due to us calling each other 'father' in the office). I'll post them up here in a while for all to see.
To finish on a good note, the old woman across the road from me was hoovering her driveway today. Yup, you heard me, hoovering. And i'm supposed to be the one who's head's cut!?
Here is a picture, enjoy.
PS: I was wondering about all of this accident lark earlier, and I was mortified to think that if I had bled to death, the last thing I would have done would have been updating my contact list! Here's to a more productive life.
Currently listening to:
Song: Blood
Artist: Pearl Jam
Alnum: VS