Ok, she isn't that bad, but my favorite song of her's is called hockey skates: "I am so sick of consequence and the look on your face / I am tired of paying defense and I don't even have hockey skates." Everybody sigh now.
We decided to not be down about this, and instead go to the movies where we saw the latest Narnia flick Prince Caspian. I love these movies. When I was a kid my granddad read me 'The Magician's Nephew' and it did a lot to spark up my frequently overactive imagination. There will be no doubt some discussion if the films are true to the books, but I don't really mind. I didn't go in as a critic, I just wanted a few childhood memories stirred. Job done.
I love the parralells of Aslan representing the character of God, how in the first film he defeated evil by sacrificing himself for the 'sons of adam'. There are other life lessons in here based on faith and doing what is right despite what your friends think of you. Couldn't be more wholesome if it was wheaten bread. A good time was had by all.
On a final note I was watching the BBC iPlayer coverage of 'The Ting Tings' at Glastonbury, and as I was adjusting the volume level, i realised it went up to 11! Good work BBC.
Currently listening to:
Artist: The Ting Tings
Song: Great DJ
Album: We Started Nothing