Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Back me up baby.....

Today I decided enough was enough......

I bought a 1TB backup drive to plug in to our home network.

I've been watching the price for a year now while simultaneously panicking that I'll lose all my stuff.

I've done it, I've taken the plunge........ I now fully expect to see the asking price for one of these babies to go into freefall as of tomorrow!


Currently listening to:
"Sound Opinions" (podcast) - (the only rock and roll talk show in America)
Chicago Public Radio and American Public Media
(Free at the itunes store)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Bank Holiday Bizarro World

I was accidentally listening to Radio 1 today as it was on in our office.

They played:

Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Black Sabbath, Jimmi Eat World, Limp Bizkit and Queen all one after another.

How'd all that rock slip through, did someone hit their head?



Saturday, May 24, 2008

Of the many things i'd love to eradicate from this world.....

...the main one would probably be Anastacia.

I hate the way she makes that terrible nasal-wailing-excuse-for-singing. She makes the kind of noise you expect to hear if a cat was being tortured.

I don't mean her any harm of course, i'd just like to have her removed from history so that local radio like cool FM would stop playing the same flipping song of hers (left outside alone) every lunch time. Cuttin' edge there kids.

I'd go about this task like red dwarf's "The Inquisitor" who has a special laser thing that deletes all record of you form ever existing.

And relax.


Currently listening to:
anything but anastacia.

Friday, May 16, 2008

All you snivelling little indy kids.... HOLD STEADY

On Wednesday night Raj and I went to see the Hold Steady at the Spring and Airbreak, Belfast.

A fine show from a group of international rock stars who seemed genuinely delighted at the reaction they were getting from the small, but tightly packed Belfast audience. All playing staff had grins from ear to ear. The room was bouncing.

Above is an example of their work. Enjoy.


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Nice is Nice! (again)

If i haven't bothered you with this directly, then please check out the video below of Jo and I in the apartment in Nice.

Currently listening to:
'Brushfire fairytales'
Jack Johnson
Brushfire Fairytales

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Nice is Nice!

Me and Jo are chillin out maxin, relaxin all cool in the south of france.

Were staying at a friend's apartment on Avenue Baquis, not far from the seafront.

We are taking a little video and will post later.

Au revoir