Thursday, May 16, 2013

Love's Alive

I was really pleased to record Stephen Hall at the Lagan Sessions, a few weeks back:

Love's Alive deals with the loss of loved ones, the regret of not getting right with them, moving on and the eventual reconciliation on the other side.

When I get up there I'll go and seek them out / my father and my brother, together, there's no doubt / smiling at each other 'cuse they have both discovered love's alive / Love's alive, find it when you can / Love's alive, don't you feel it?

Comfort, optimism and positivity are lacking from most aspects of life these days.  This song is much like a hug.  More of this sort of thing.

More info:


Its been fifteen or so years, but I've decided to ride a bike again.  Once I got my driving licence, back in 1997, I never really needed to cycle anywhere. I'd need a pretty good reason to be back in the saddle after all this time. are attempting to raise awareness for organ donation. Specifically they'd like to see the current organ donation system change from an opt-in to an opt-out arrangement. They've organised a 30 mile bike ride to get the ball, and all of us, rolling.

I've been getting some practice in.  On Monday night I rode to Belfast from my parent's house and grabbed a coffee at Starbucks in Victoria Square.  The main reason for this destination was mostly down to not having my wallet with me, but being able to pay there with my phone. Hooray for convenience!

It was a lovely, sunny spring evening, with much less rain than normal. I stopped along the way to take some photos.

The menacing looking storm clouds came, one after another, bringing short bursts of rain all evening.
Beside the M5 motorway, the reclaimed land, which has looked so harsh for most of my life, now looks as if it has always been there.

Being out, by myself, disconnected for a few hours, was exactly what I needed.  This is hopefully the stuff of new songs and finding some time alone with God to enjoy his creation.

Roll on Saturday. Here's hoping I don't need to avail of the transplant service myself, come the end of the trip!