So, since Tuesday afternoon when I realised I wasn't feeling exactly 100% I've been asleep 90% of the time. I drove myself home at about 3.30pm on Tuesday afternoon and went straight to bed. I stayed there till pretty much this afternoon. Bless.
Daytime tv is a government initiative to get you back to work. Ok, we have cable, but there is nothing on all 900 channels during the day that will help the misery. There is only so much "Tricia" a man can watch before he loses the will to live.
American Idol. Holy cow. It is great to know that Americans are still the most stupid and gullible people on the planet. They've all been told since they were kids that they are special. They believe it. I understand that parents are supposed to be encouraging and build up their kids, and that is a great thing, but when a contestant who can't sing a note is told so by the likes of Simon Cowell and says something like 'Oh, thats your opinion' or 'who are you to tell me that i can't sing?' I must laugh. Actually I was just watching as a mum, so outraged that her daughter didn't get through, stormed back into the audition room and told the judges off! classic.
I don't know anyone who watches the whole competition, just the auditions.
Anyhow, had some fun recently, went to see Peter Mulvey in Dublin. (click the link and listen to some samples.). If you've never heard of this guy he's well worth the listen. From Michigan in the US of A, Mr Mulvey has several fantastic albums of acoustic mastery and social commentary. He is an accomplished songster with a jazzy edge. If anyone is interested, I'll certainly pass some of his stuff on.
He comes here about 3 times a year, usually to Dublin and thereabouts. Young Raj introduced me to him a few years ago, and though I really enjoyed his albums, there is nothing like seeing this guy live. There is such energy about his performances, just one guy one guitar fills the room. Hopefully we'll have Peter in Belfast soon.
Well, I gotta go pass out now. I'll update again soon.
Daytime tv is a government initiative to get you back to work. Ok, we have cable, but there is nothing on all 900 channels during the day that will help the misery. There is only so much "Tricia" a man can watch before he loses the will to live.
American Idol. Holy cow. It is great to know that Americans are still the most stupid and gullible people on the planet. They've all been told since they were kids that they are special. They believe it. I understand that parents are supposed to be encouraging and build up their kids, and that is a great thing, but when a contestant who can't sing a note is told so by the likes of Simon Cowell and says something like 'Oh, thats your opinion' or 'who are you to tell me that i can't sing?' I must laugh. Actually I was just watching as a mum, so outraged that her daughter didn't get through, stormed back into the audition room and told the judges off! classic.
I don't know anyone who watches the whole competition, just the auditions.
Anyhow, had some fun recently, went to see Peter Mulvey in Dublin. (click the link and listen to some samples.). If you've never heard of this guy he's well worth the listen. From Michigan in the US of A, Mr Mulvey has several fantastic albums of acoustic mastery and social commentary. He is an accomplished songster with a jazzy edge. If anyone is interested, I'll certainly pass some of his stuff on.
He comes here about 3 times a year, usually to Dublin and thereabouts. Young Raj introduced me to him a few years ago, and though I really enjoyed his albums, there is nothing like seeing this guy live. There is such energy about his performances, just one guy one guitar fills the room. Hopefully we'll have Peter in Belfast soon.
Well, I gotta go pass out now. I'll update again soon.
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