Saturday, February 25, 2006

Never fail to be amazed...

by the idiots who live on this tiny troubled island....

Today the loyalists decided to "have a wee march" in Dublin. Needless to say, there was a riot.

Click here for full story.

I saw the report on UTV, where everyone involved on both sides claimed that they were not to blame.


I believe there is probably a riot commitee. People from both sides up here get together and figure out where they'd like to raise hell. At this meeting "little Jaunty" from the shankill or the falls spoke up and said.. "hear mate, wadda-ya-sai we go down-a dublin, ged-a few pints and hava-a bid-ov-a-riat?" Everybody, at the meeting, having drunk way too much white lightening or buckfast thinks this is a capital idea, nod their burbury baseball cap clad heads, and get about organising who is getting hit with the first half brick.

I really don't care for either sides' point of view, i do however envy those who have moved off this rock to less silly places. Maybe i'll join them one of these days.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You tryin ta start sumfin, leek?

Seriously though, 's a shame such numpties are allowed out. *sigh*