Friday, May 06, 2005

Really splashed the boat out.....

Joanne said the above while we were talking about election posters and how one guy had really gone for it, wallpapering the whole rathcoole / fernagh area with his face.

She ment to say, "oh he's really pushed the boat out" or "oh, he's really splashed out" but instead it came out as "oh, he's really splashing the boat out!".

Please feel free to post any funny mixups you can think of.

All this election talk brings me to the question, who should i vote for? ANSWER: No one.

Now, i'm well aware of the suffering many people across the world have gone through to have the right to vote, and it is a privilage, but joanne made a good point earlier when she said: "you should be really voting for someone you believe in".

Bearing that in mind, i don't really beleive in any of them, not any one particularly over the other, so I may as well have voted for them all, or none.

Bring me someone who actually promotes peace, through the love of Christ, spreading understanding, consideration, respect. I would vote for that guy.

Anyway, back to business, me and Jo, took Raj and Sarah up to the causeway on monday, a fine day had by all. Pictures to follow. In the meantime, check out the fantastic stuff on Jo's blog.


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