Sunday, October 16, 2005

The most entertaininng hockey game i've ever seen!

Good grief!

The Odyssey Arena packed in over 4,600 people last night, and they all brought their hockey energy with them.

Like a pure shot of adrenalin to the arm (no intended substance references) Theo "McFlurry" Fleury, charged his Belfast Giant team mates to an 11 - 2 victory over the Edinburgh Capitals.

Scoring a hat trick, assisting on most of the goals and getting into 2 fights, Fleury brought an energy with him to the Odyssey that has not been there since the sell out crowds of the first season rocked the place.

To listen to the report of the game, courtesy of the Giants folks, click here.

There is also some photos on Joannes Blog.

Holy Mackrel, it was a good one, lets hope it keeps going that way.

I'm growing my playoff beard already:

Currently listening to: "History of lovers" - Iron and Wine (many thanks to crazy Gav for the cd)

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