Saturday, April 09, 2005

cute photo

Ok so i'm posting lots after posting nothing for 2 weeks.

I'm in the mood to post, what can i tell ya.

I took this picture of jo while we were road trippin, i thought it was cute, so i'm putting it on for y'all to see.

I made it small because, even though she's super pretty, she hates big pics of her.... especially here.

(love you honey!)



oh, just to prove that not everyone looks cute in that hat, check out this photo of me and dave allen at christmas time:

me and dave allen

if you haven't seen dave in a while and want to hear the sound of his voice you can catch him at 1am on most weekdays on alive99.5, click on the "listen live" feature. Alive 99.5 is a christian radio station in canada. I was listening tonight. He mentioned me cuse i kept him late for his shift.

Thanks dave!


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