Sunday, July 31, 2005


A week or two ago Joanne and I were driving to my house for tea, passing all the folks lighting bonfires and re-enforcing what I like to call the “super prod” stereotype. On the way through some of the estates between here and there I had to brake hard to avoid knocking down several 5 - 10 year olds clad in red white and blue clutching larger tins, staggering over the public highway.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there was a time in my childhood when my mum, dad, bro and I took a drive around and watched the bonfires and it was a festive occasion. Now though, it seems this is an excuse to just “get the boys together” play loud dance music and have the local unofficial neighbourhood watch out to display a “show of strength”, shooting their illegal firearms into the air triumphantly. Way to go boys, I know I’m proud. (…he says sarcastically, just in case you don’t get the tone of my rant)

Looking down from any vantage point on the North side of Belfast Lough it looked like we were under attack, smoke rising from the centre of most built up areas in sight.

When things get out of hand the natives decide to take any reason, like not being allowed to march this season down any given road, to trash their streets. I never understood this, why trash your own area in disgust? The only saving grace is that they aren’t hurting folks in other areas. That’s the best I have for an upside, that’s all I got.

This week the IRA have announced a formal end to all violent measures to achieve their political goals. This happens amid feuds and dissention among the unionist groups. The cynic in me immediately reacted internally thinking “yeah right, as if their word means a damn thing”. The very last thought in my head was that maybe this is a chance for a peace of any kind and maybe things could really happen as a result.

I was humbled to read a friends blog, who has been a Christian for less time than me, talking of how this is an excellent opportunity, how we should pray that God will use this situation to his advantage. This should have been my first thought too.

The easiest thing in the world to do is to lay doubt, discouragement and cynicism on this situation, but as Christians shouldn’t we welcome such a move, regardless of what we feel about the people involved.

Growing up I’ve met people who’s lives have been affected terribly by the troubles. Loved ones have been lost, quality of life destroyed, faith shaken.

How must we proceed, how do we continue.

My aim is to glorify God in every way I can in my day to day life, to spread the love he has given me to others that they may see him through me and come to know him too. That, for me, is the meaning of life.

While talking to a bunch of friends in tech around about 1996, the topic cropped up: “how will we (in northern Ireland) ever bring about peace”. I blurted an answer that was misunderstood. I said “you know, if we were all Christians, this would not be an issue”. (I was 16). One guy snapped back at me, “oh yeah, religion solves everything doesn’t it.. that’s what got us all here in the first place.”

He’s right, RELIGION did get us here, mixed with hatred and hurt. I wasn’t suggesting religion. Religion never helped anyone.

What I was suggesting, though not putting across well, was that if everyone knew the love of Christ, and if we treated each other as we have been commanded in the bible, then this would not be an issue.

The misunderstanding lay in confusing religion with a personal relationship with Christ. The two are not the same.

If we were all able to live by the following 2 commandments:

Matthew 22:37-39 (The Message Version)

Jesus said, ""Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.' This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: "Love others as well as you love yourself.'

If we loved God with all our energy and then loved others with the enthusiasm that we love ourselves would we not be in a better place? I think so, there should be no room left for hatred, we would genuinely do all we can to help others. Imagine that.

It all comes down to love. Love is what is important.

Lets love each other, that is how we will change things.

“I know its already been sung,
can’t be said enough,
love is all you need,
all you need is love, love, love”

“Love boat captain” – Pearl Jam – Riot Act

1 comment:

Paul McLean said...

Boysadear... you knows you've got it right.

Lots of manly love,
