Sunday, January 29, 2006

Happy HARARYA birthday to me!

That's right, this site is a year old today.

I started this as a diary, a way to keep crap that i wanted to show people online and a tool for keeping in touch with those i see less of these days.

Its not been a bad year. I've now been in a PROPER computer related job for over a year (many thanks Steria for hiring me, Meelan for reccomending me, Ken Morrow for encouraging me and of course Robert Donnelly for getting the job that we both interviewed for first!). I'm starting to pay off my debts (slowly) and i'm starting to forget what it was like to be working in the Spar, wondering what the hell was happening to my life. That was a pretty dark time.

But listen, listen, never mind me what about you?

Much of the ol' manly love,


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