Friday, April 20, 2007

Giggidy Giggidy

Last night I opened for my friend Andy's band "catch 23" at the Rosetta bar in Belfast.

I was more than a little concerned as I thought my brand of accoustic guitar whiney nonsense would not go over well with the metal folks who i'd usually associate with that venue.

As it happens I came over quite well. I played a mix of Barenaked Ladies, Jack Johnson, Pearl Jam, Beatles and my own stuff.

I have it on good authority that they'd like me back at some point. Hooray.

Also, in other news the lovely insurance people got back to me today to confirm that I will be getting a lovely new MACBOOK PRO to replace the Powerbook G4 that was stolen from me.

I am really rather pleased about this as it is like getting the best trade in ever!

Currntly listening to:
This American Life (which is a podcast available from apple)
Chicago Public Radio


Anonymous said...

Good on ya Matt =) *pats yer head*

Elia said...

Would just like to say, I knew you before you were famous and for that before you could control your own bladder. Here's to knowing you until we both rediscover that part of our childhood!