Friday, March 21, 2008

New Wheels.....

Thanks to the lovely people at Fujitsu, I've been driving a hire car for the past 2 weeks, a lovely VW Golf. Its as solid as a rock to drive and has EPS skid protection to stop me frollicking around.

The only down side is, the first week I filled the (petrol) tank for about £55 quid and only got about 390 miles for my trouble. The second week I got a little more like 410 miles. I feel there is room for improvement.

Last night I was in Dun(fun)dalk watching the Giants play a very mediocre game. Thankfully they won, going ahead in the 3rd period after a few good goals. Roll on the playoffs, and hopefully playoff form.

I didn't get home till the very wee hours, and so I've had great trouble staying awake today. I was in a meeting first thing, then was working my considerable ass off all day. I've had a snooze this evening and now I'm off to Jo's to watch some West Wing. We're on to season 5 and rapidly running out of discs to watch. Eek.

Want to start writing songs and be good at it. Not sure either will happen at this point. So darn tired.


Currently listening to:
Track:House by the sea
Artist: Iron and Wine
Album: The Shepard's dog

1 comment:

Shiny Sarah said...

EPS skid protection to stop me frollicking around.

It may help with the skidding, but as for the frollicking? .... You're a lost cause there =P

Fundalk was awesome because of the vast amounts of sugar consumed! Me & Jo didn't even need to drink! ... Hmm... me thinks Play Offs could be a wee bit cheaper this year.... =P

Oh! And I've finised disc 2 of s1 West Wing =D lovin it